Behind the Volga there is land! | in color and b-w, stereo, 4:3 PAL | 7'38'' | © 2008-2011 Volgograd/Russia
with Raffael Leonardovitsch Vinogradov | sound by Francesco Viani
"I would like to go in a country, where the police does not exist. He will never leave his country. He loves it too much..." (audio extract)
This video explores a family matter, which I narrate on three levels using different video language. There are three types of information in one story: images show the environment of my grandfather and him in Russia; subtitles reveal a discussion he had with my grandmother in their apartment; and letters throughout the video derive from documents linked to my grandfather which were used against him, when he was put in prison.
The story is obliquely about corruption and about the inner soul of an old and simple man who is trying to save himself with letters in order to break a vicious circle of events.
2012. A ciascuno il suo [paesaggio] - curated by Katia Baraldi in collaboration with Art Hub | TEATR_ariaARTIVISIVE in Roccagloriosa/Italy
2009. International Film Festival Carbunari | Borders+Segments curated by Luca Curci | Museum Florean in Maramures/Romania 2009. Kurye International Video Festival | Essence/Borders curated by International Art Expo in Istanbul/Turkey 2009. Real/Unreal - Playlist curated by Odile Orsi | gallery neon>campobase in Bologna/Italy